Backyard Chickens ~Photo of several Hens on a Green Field

Backyard Chickens ~ 4 tips for effectively communicating with your backyard chickens

Backyard Chickens ~Photo of several Hens on a Green Field
Watch, Observe, Learn…

Body Language – Watch Your Backyard Chickens…

Backyard Chickens are very sensitive to body language. They see the slightest movement. They are much more alert to movement than we are, so move slowly and deliberately around them without frightening them. Avoid any quick or jerky movements because they can easily make them nervous or scared. This is especially true if you are new to the chickens. Usually, the chicken keeper is accepted because the chickens know what their keeper looks like. Did you know chickens can recognize you by your facial features?

Backyard Chickens ~ Caring for Chickens - White Hen on Grass
You can tell a lot about a hen by watching it move…

Vocal Cues From Your Backyard Chickens

Backyard Chickens have different vocalizations for different moods or alerts.

Learning or even simply being aware of these different sounds can help you understand what they’re trying to communicate.

You can also use specific, consistent vocal cues when you feed or call them to help them associate the sound with the action. Many chicken keepers call, “Chook chook chook” which sounds very similar to the mother hen’s clucking sound to let her chickens know she has a tasty morsel for them.

Check this YouTube Video to hear how chickens sound. Lovely pictures of chickens included …
If Chicken Sounds Doesn’t Load – Try This Link Instead:

Observe Your Backyard Chickens

Observe your flock to understand their daily behaviors, pecking order, and social interactions. Knowing who’s who in the pecking order can help you intervene effectively if conflicts arise. There is so much to learn every day from your animals. It can be so much fun.

Positive Reinforcement for Your Backyard Chickens

Treats or food can be a great way to gain a chicken’s trust. Use these sparingly and consistently to reinforce good behavior, like coming when called.

Just for Fun

How to make a chicken sound without any chickens [Click Here]… All I can say is I’m glad I have chickens and not plastic cups 🙂

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